The Jerry Myers Hearing Aid Memorial is a program developed by Dr. Jeff Adams and Dr. Mike Dillard to furnish free hearing aids to qualifying low-income patients.
The Providence Group Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization with a mission to provide hearing aids to low-income patients of Dr. Jeff Adams and Dr. Mike Dillard who are in need of hearing aids.
Qualifying for Free Hearing Aids
To qualify, Dr. Jeff Adams or Dr. Mike Dillard must deem a hearing aid appropriate and necessary based on the results of an ear exam and hearing test performed by them and their staff. To meet financial eligibility requirements, the patient's household income must not exceed 200% of the Household Poverty Income Guidelines as established each year by the U.S. Government.
The qualification process begins with an office visit to The Providence Clinic in which the patient will undergo an ear examination by Dr. Adams or Dr. Dillard and an audiology assessment by Chasity Sellars, AuD. The examining physician will then review the results of those examinations and, if a significant hearing deficit is noted, a hearing aid may be recommended. If the patient also meets the financial eligibility guidelines then the patient would be eligible to receive a free hearing aid from The Providence Foundation.
Donating Hearing Aids
All hearing aids used in the program are ones that have been donated to The Providence Foundation and subsequently refurbished.
For a hearing aid to be considered as a donation to the Foundation, it must be of the programmable, behind the ear type. All hearing aids donated and deemed acceptable will be evaluated from a financial standpoint and assessed a dollar value.
The donor of the device will receive a receipt of the appraised fair-market value of the device, which may result in the donor qualifying for a charitable deduction on their personal federal income tax return.
About Jerry Myers
Jerry Myers was a long time Hamblen County resident who worked as a truck driver for 40 years. Over time, Jerry developed an increased hearing loss and severe lung disease.
As his disease progressed and his condition worsened, Jerry was upbeat and always wearing a smile. Jerry would come into the office with his oxygen at his side, barely able to speak, but still with the smile on his face and stating how "good" he was doing. Regardless of how severe his medical condition became, Jerry displayed a strong faith in his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
He proved an inspiration to many in his ability to keep his focus on Christ despite his earthly illness.
This Memorial is named for Jerry Myers for the everlasting display of his faith in the face of increased physical illness.
"Blessed is the man who endures the trials of life; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."
- James 1:12